Monday, August 20, 2007


I was almost a quitter.

I had almost talked myself into thinking that I 'felt sick.'

I sucked it up and kept on pushing.

Jared won't quit.

So, I won't either.

Friday, August 10, 2007

In all my life...

...I have NEVER sweat as much as I did this morning on the bike.

15 miles in the country, and it was muggy, muggy, muggy!! Fortunately, I had plenty of fluids along, so I wouldn't cramp up, but overall, it was really tough today.

I am hoping that it won't be quite so muggy in September.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

dude, it's hot

The heat has been taking its toll on my training. I've had to stay indoors at the Y. Not my preference, but I have to try to be smart about this whole thing. Still very much on schedule.

By the way, the race is one month from today!!

Freaking Yeah!!

Monday, August 6, 2007

off schedule

Our youth group service trip knocked me off kilter a little bit. I hope to get back on track soon. I was in the gym this morning, but had little gas in the tank.

So, back at it...
