It's true, I'm bi-blogular now.
With the best of intentions, I have tried many different training regiments with many different motivations. Truth is that I get bored. Just running for miles and miles gets old. Love my bike, but that gets old too. Love the water, so it just made sense, right?
I might regret it, but probably not.
So, off I went into the wild blue yonder. Not quite, but close. The internet. Found a training program and it looks doable.
I've spent the last week on my bike. This morning, I got into the water for the first time. Training officially starts Monday, though. Here's the month one plan:
Week 1:
M- Swim 12, Bike 24 Tu-off Wed-swim 20 Th-run 12 F- bike 40 Sat- off Sun- run 20
Week 2:
M- swim 13, bike 26 Tu- off Wed swim 22 Th- run 13 F- bike 44 Sat- off Sun- run 22
Week 3:
M- swim 14, bike 29 Tu- off Wed- swim 24 Th- run 14 F- bike 48 Sat- off Sun- run 24
Week 4:
M- swim 14, bike 29 Tu- off Wed- swim 14 Thu-run 14 F- bike 29 Sat- off Sun- run 14
(all numbers are minutes)
I don't have a good idea of time goals for the event, more on that later. But there are some mini goals along the way. A couple of 5k's over the months with A. would be the answer there. This plan is a 16 week plan.
The problem? Don't know how many triathlons there are in the fall... I found one in Toledo in August...but I'm not sure.
We'll see.
So, check in from time to time. I'll try to update with little notes from the workouts.
Today, a primer for next week. 12 minutes in the pool. No touching the bottom. Here's a few things I've learned:
I need goggles.
My arms
be on fire for hours afterward.
I need goggles.
I think this'll be fun...