Wednesday, June 20, 2007

well, for today...

I was in the pool for 14 minutes. I've got the 1/4 mile in easily now...somewhere around 10 minutes for the split. It's time to build endurance. Cool.

Now officially into my 4th week of training, I am still having a ball. I was wondering if I'd regret ever saying that I was 'hooked' on this sort of thing. I've only discovered that I truly am hooked on least I'm hooked on the training. I guess we'll see about the racing :)

I've also done some reading and I think that next week, since this week is supposed to be a rest week, I'll start adding in some weights and hills. The strength training and speedwork should do the endurance trick. I'm also finding out that I remember a lot more about the mechanics and principles of running than I thought I would. Having run all through high school and some in college, I used to eat sleep and breathe my dad's issues of Runner's World. It's serving me well now...

For all those checking in here. THANK YOU!! It's a very big encouragement to see the blog counter number rising!

By the way...for all those concerned, the race I'm running is not an official Team in Training event. We've decided to still collect donations and direct them to whatever cause that the 'honoree' chooses. If you're interested in giving, we won't be collecting the donations for a few weeks yet, but please let me know if you'd like to contribute...

Have a great day all you readers!!


Anna@MetaMusings said...

Hey Ryan - I am still interested in contributing. Put me on the mailing list.

Anna@MetaMusings said...

P.S. I am very impressed with your 1/4 mile in the pool. Last time I tried I think I made it five minutes in the pool.